Monday, January 21, 2008

Mission: Medallion, Day 2!!

We're ready! Are you?
Our Supplies.

Clue #2:
The point of all this is so that you won't miss
Your big chance to grab all the cash
Now gather your guys and a gal who is wise
You'll have to do something quite rash

Our thoughts so far:
*Regal Runt is either simply "the medallion" or possibly it is wrapped in a white castle or whopper junior package.
*gal who is wise could be referring to St. Kate's or Harriet Island (Parks namesake was the first teacher to organize schools in St. Paul.
*In a park with a golf course.
We are focusing on Highland and Hidden Falls at this point. I think all the Harriet Island hubbub is a red herring. I would like to note, that i find it curious that neither of these clues doesn't scream COMO!! Como usually works for every clue for the first couple and there are some die hards out there that continue searching there regardless of if the Clue Writer comes right out and says GO TO ROSEVILLE. Nothing matches Como so far. i just think its curious.

This noodling was brought you by this favorite hunt memory (courtesy of Boyfriend):
2005 Crosby (again). Being on the phone with Kate (our undercover espionoge agent) discussing last minute info that she had stolen from a co-worker. Watching the guy watching us. We are sure he was the PP on-site spy. Piecing together all of the clues. Finding the Life Saving device. Knowing 100% that we walked over the damn thing. Calling the Hunt Hotline (programmed in our phones) every 30 minutes.

Gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, granola bars, nuts, smokes, booze,
a flash light and a sweet ass head lamp(which is OBVIOUSLY mine).

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